June 2021 Club Meeting

Five Productivity Myths and Why You Should Stop Believing Them. This is a Write Better-Faster Workshop with Becca Syme of the Better-Faster Academy.

When it comes to productivity advice, anyone can tell you what works for them, and they can say, “it might not work for you,” but they can’t tell you why. Becca can tell you why. And in this workshop, we’ll address the most common myths that derail our productivity, and what those myths mean for our writing lives.

Becca Syme holds a master’s degree in transformational leadership and has been a success coach (primarily utilizing the Gallup Strengthsfinder®) for almost fifteen years. She’s coached 4700+ individual authors and creatives through her Write Better-Faster classes: six- and seven-figure authors, major award winners, midlisters, and new authors alike. Becca is the host of the YouTube QuitCast channel and a mystery author. She lives in the mountains of Montana where it is always winter and never Christmas.

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